6 Common Types Of Skin Rashes; Symptoms and Treatments

6 Common Types Of Skin Rashes; Symptoms and Treatments

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Ever felt the urge to scratch your skin to the extent that your skin just peals off? Well, if not, then thank God, but if yes, then welcome to the club! A skin rash is a patch of irritated or swollen skin on any part of your body. These patches are usually painful and itchy. Rashes appear in different colors on different skin tones. On light skin tones, they seem to be reddish; however, on dark skin tones, they are more like purple, white or gray. Consult dermatologist in any case when you see the irritation on your skin.

What Are Some Common Types & Symptoms of Skin Rashes? 

Skin rashes are apparent and can be caused due to various reasons. Ringworm is one of the most common skin rashes, except Eczema, Dermatitis, and so on. Consult online dermatologist and get all your queries resolved. There are plenty of skin rashes, and some of them have been enlisted here:

1. Ringworm

Ringworm appears on the skin as an itchy, circular scaly patch with raised borders. It is indicated on light skin tones as pink or red patches. However, on dark skin tones, it appears as brown or plum. The patch is circular, and in the center, it is clearer; however, on the edges, it is spread outwards. It is a widespread type of skin rash. Online dermatologists can help you deal with your problems and provide instant solutions.

2. Contact Dermatitis

If someone has an allergy and you are in contact with that person, the same rash might appear on your skin after roughly hours or days. The main reason behind this is that you get involved in contact with a person who already has an allergy or you have touched any substance that has any irritating substance on it. It causes your skin to turn red. There may be blisters that weep, ooze, or crust over. Moreover, you will experience itch, scaly and raw skin.

3. Eczema

Are you facing fry, rough or flaky skin? You might have eczema. Let me add to it, does your skin appear to be inflamed and irritated? There are more chances now that you have Eczema. This appears on the skin as red/dark brown/plum in color and is itchy. The area that has a rash on it might cause hair loss in that area. Consult online doctor for your concerns.

4. Allergic Eczema

Another rash is that allergic eczema. This may also resemble a burn on your skin. Mostly, it is found on the hands or forearms. Your skin gets scaly, itchy, and raw in this case. You may have weeping blisters that ooze and are crusty. It appears red on light skin tones and gray on dark-skinned colors.

5. Fifth Disease

The symptoms of the fifth disease include headache, fatigue, low fever, sore throat, runny nose, diarrhea, and nausea. This rash is experienced mainly by children rather than adults. This rash appears round, bright, and red on your cheek. On darker skin tones, it is likely to be less visible. Following the face, the rash may also appear on the arms, legs, and upper body. After a hot shower, it is more likely to be visible on the skin.

6. Fleabites

This rash occurs on the lower legs and feet and usually appears in clusters. There are itchy, small red bumps on lighter skin tones, while on darker skin tones, the spots are plum-colored. Symptoms appear on your skin immediately after being bitten.

11 Treatments For Skin Rashes

There are several ways in which you can treat skin rashes. Some of the handy remedies are the following:

  1. Apply gentle cleansers

  2. Don’t scrub your skin

  3. Let your scar breathe. Expose it to as much air as possible.

  4. Make sure that any cosmetic ointment you use is free from chemicals.

  5. Bath in lukewarm water

  6. Don't rub the rash

  7. The hydrocortisone cream (1%) is available without a prescription and may relieve many skin rashes.

  8. You should moisturize your skin if you have eczema.

  9. To relieve eczema or psoriasis symptoms, try oatmeal bath products.

  10. Itchy skin may be relieved by oral antihistamines

  11. Avoid potential triggers for rash


Skin rashes appear to be reddish and are irritations on the skin. They occur due to any contact with irritable substances or by being in contact with someone who already has some sort of allergy. Ringworm, dermatitis, and eczema are some common types of skin rashes. However, they are treatable; you should handle your skin with care and avoid potential triggers for inflammation.


Q1. What is the most common skin rash?

Atopic dermatitis, also known as eczema, is one of the most common skin disorders that causes a rash.

Q2. Why have I suddenly got a rash?

An allergic reaction or an infection could cause this.

About Author

Dr. Jawad is a practicing physician with extensive administrative experience, who has firsthand knowledge of running a medical practice and working in employed models. WoW Health aligns incentives for the healthcare ecosystem so all stakeholders benefit from transparent and direct relationship between patients and medical service providers.